# angular-marked [![Bower version](https://badge.fury.io/bo/angular-marked.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/bo/angular-marked) --- AngularJS Markdown using [marked](https://github.com/chjj/marked). **Please note:** neither this directive nor marked (by default) implementation sanitization. As always, sanitizing is necessary for user-generated content. [![get this with bower](http://benschwarz.github.io/bower-badges/badge@2x.png)](http://bower.io/ "get this with bower") ## Usage 1. `bower install angular-marked` or `bower install Hypercubed/angular-marked` 2. Include the `marked.js` script into your app. By default should be at `bower_components/marked/lib/marked.js`. 3. Include the `angular-marked.js` into your app. By default should be at `bower_components/angular-marked/angular-marked.js`. 4. Add `hc.marked` as a module dependency to your app. #### Include a markdown file: ```html <div marked ng-include="'README.md'"></div> <!-- Uses markdown content from README.md --> ``` #### Set default options ```js app.config(['markedProvider', function(markedProvider) { markedProvider.setOptions({gfm: true}); }]); ```